Kari Rose-Adams is founder of Kari B. Rose, P.S., a family law firm in Clark County, WA. We specialize in Low Cost & Flat Fee Attorney and Mediation Services in uncontested divorce and family law cases. We offer a flat fee for divorcing couples seeking to minimize the negative financial and emotional impact of divorce.

Kari Rose Adams
Uncontested Divorce & Family Law
Flat Fee Family Law and Divorce
Flat-fee includes a one-hour consultation (in person, facetime, or by telephone), and the completion of all court documents drafted to reflect the parties’ agreement. It also includes all telephone calls and court appearances necessary to effectuate the agreement of the parties. In these cases, neither party needs to take time out of his or her schedule to go to court (unless they prefer to come along to finalize the case).
Division of Assets and Debt
Sometimes we do not have all the information needed to come to an agreement. If that happens, we employ the assistance of experts such as trusted licensed real estate appraisers, business appraisers and pension and retirement appraisers.
Best Interests of Children
If you have children and need some guidance as to the children’s best interests, we have developed a list of trusted and experienced professionals such as child psychologists, behavioral and sensory processing specialists and counsellors to assist you in supporting your children through the process of divorce.
Uncontested Low-Cost Flat Fee Divorce
Kari Rose-Adams is founder of Kari B. Rose, P.S., a family law firm specializing in Low Cost & Flat Fee Attorney and Mediation Services in uncontested divorce and family law cases in Washington. We are now able to offer our services to King County, Pierce County, Thurston County, Cowlitz County and virtually all counties in Washington to people who seek to minimize the negative financial and emotional impact of divorce.
Flat Fee Family Law and Divorce
$1,195 to $1,895* flat fee includes the completion of all court documents drafted to reflect the parties’ agreement. It also includes all telephone calls and court appearances necessary to effectuate the agreement of the parties. In amicable divorce, the parties need not take time out of his or her schedule to go to court unless they prefer to come along to finalize the case.
*More complex divorce provisions may require the higher flat fee.
Division of Assets and Debt
Sometimes we do not have all the information needed to come to an agreement. If that happens, we employ the assistance of experts such as trusted licensed real estate appraisers, business appraisers and pension and retirement appraisers.
Best Interests of Children
If you have children and need some guidance as to the children’s best interests, we have developed a list of trusted and experienced professionals such as child psychologists, behavioral and sensory processing specialists and counselors to assist you in supporting your children through the process of divorce.
About Our Practice
We offer divorcing couples the chance to come to an agreement after a thorough discussion of the law and process of Washington State divorce law. We believe people going through a divorce have the same right as married couples to decide what is best for their families and to come to an agreement without interference from attorneys and other non-party persons who may have a financial and/or emotional stake in continuing a long and drawn-out court battle. We try to help you take control of your uncontested divorce and family law issues by offering an alternative to the financial and emotional treadmill of litigation.
Other Areas of Practice
Family Law including Uncontested Divorce, Parenting Plan Modifications, Child Support Modifications, Family Law Mediation, Paternity, Non-Parental Custody, Adoption, Wills, Personal injury cases and Guardianships*
*Contested cases and subsequent mediation are at an hourly rate of $250 per hour.